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HR Dissertation Topics | HRM Dissertation Topics - Ideas & Example
Try out PMC Labs and communication performance dissertation us what you think. Learn More. Stereotypes about Millennials, born between anddepict them as self-centered, communication performance dissertation, unmotivated, disrespectful, and disloyal, contributing to widespread concern about how communication with Millennials will affect organizations and how they will develop relationships with other organizational members.
Among many functions of communication in organizations and work groups, including information sharing, decision making, influence, coordination, motivation, and identification Cheney et al. In particular, communication that reveals shared values and reflects common commitments to organizational goals enables coworkers to forge and sustain productive relationships in organizations Herriot Communication can also have direct and indirect effects on team and organizational performance Greenbaum and Query communication performance dissertation They also have been depicted as lacking in loyalty and work ethic Marston For example, popular perception that is not supported by substantial evidence is that Millennials are impatient, self-important, and disloyal, among other unattractive qualities from an organizational standpoint Hill ; Howe and Strauss ; Jacobson In addition, popular perceptions of Millennials are not entirely negative.
We explore how people speculate that Millennials are likely to be perceived by supervisors and coworkers and, based on their values and lived experiences, how people think that Millennials may respond to, and be affected by, those and other factors in the contemporary workplace.
In the process, we set an agenda for Millennial-focused workplace interaction research, and call for investigations centered on benefits offered by Millennial participation and opportunities for organizations. Throughout our discussion, we take a communication perspective and highlight messages, meanings, and interactions likely to be central to the dynamics we describe involving Millennials and other generational cohorts in the workplace, communication performance dissertation.
We reference a variety of sources which we group into three categories including 1 popular press and 2 popular literature —articles and books that are more opinion than evidence-based and have contributed to stereotypes, communication performance dissertation, many without empirical support, about the generation. When possible, we draw on 3 empirical studies —peer-reviewed, data-based research with more rigorous methods—for more credible perspectives on Millennial communication and behaviors.
We include popular literature and reports because there is so little empirical evidence, but inclusion of the references should not necessarily be taken as endorsement of this study or agreement with the ideas described in this study.
As Millennials enter the workplace, like generations before them, the first significant hurdle they encounter is their socialization into the organization Chao et al. Newcomers learn about tasks and social norm expectations through socialization processes, as well as how to adapt to and negotiate their roles Black and Ashford ; De Vos et al. Through membership negotiation processes, incumbent members determine who will likely fit in, both functionally and socially, communication performance dissertation, to benefit the organization Slaughter and Zickar Newcomers also engage in evaluations, assessing not merely communication performance dissertation tasks and responsibilities, but also the organization and whether they will like working with coworkers and supervisors Robinson and Morrison ; Scott and Myers Their differing experiences and values can affect their perspectives, their evaluation of coworkers, and their organizational expectations.
For example, some management-targeted websites forewarn that Millennials may desire more flexible working conditions and hours e. According to expectancy violation theory, individuals are judged based on beliefs and contextual norms about appropriate behaviors in given circumstances.
Behaviors that are negatively assayed because they violate expectations cause the violator to be judged more negatively than if he or she had met standard expectations Burgoon Communication performance dissertation when the new member is deemed valuable to the workgroup and organization, according to Moreland and Levine, do others reciprocate the relationship with commitment.
This acceptance can be stifled when interaction reveals important differences in attitudes and behaviors. Boomer workers are depicted as having routinely sacrificed on behalf of the firm, working to h weeks, and they frequently advise young coworkers to work hard, demonstrate their dedication, and patiently wait their turn for promotions Chatman and Flynn Instead, and as touted communication performance dissertation popular literature, work is a less significant part of their personal identities, instrumental to supporting the lifestyle they desire Marston Empirical studies demonstrate that throughout their careers, many Boomers have embraced competitiveness, and have focused on climbing organizational ranks Gursoy et al.
They are the original workaholics who, even as young adults, had little notion of work-life balance McGuire et al, communication performance dissertation. In contrast, Millennial workers are likely to communicate an interest in flexible career paths because their priority is work-life balance Carless and Wintle ; Smola and Sutton A recent Gallup poll found that Millennials desire a work-life balance that will allow them to balance play with work Ott et al.
Their subsequent interactions with Millennial coworkers may reflect a level of discomfort, communication performance dissertation, disrespect, or even distrust. It is possible that Boomer generation workers will never completely accept new colleagues who do not share their work ethic. While this might be true for any newcomers with significantly different values, many Millennials may remain somewhat marginalized by their older and more senior coworkers, making it more difficult for Millennials to earn workplace respect and credibility, communication performance dissertation.
This is especially problematic because a lack of informal communication in organizations is negatively related to member satisfaction see Pace and Faulesand low levels of communicative support from supervisors in particular is associated with job turnover Clampitt Of course, Millennials who are astute and realize how their coworkers view them may make concerted efforts to demonstrate their value and willingness to contribute—just as employees who experience concertive control from coworkers in team-based organizations communication performance dissertation to conform to team norms and expectations Barker and Cheney At the same time, and as part and parcel of the membership negotiation process Scott and MyersMillennials may be a source of change within their organizations in several ways.
First, engagement with Millennial workers who spend more time with their families and friends, and have diverse personal interests outside the workplace, may cause more senior workers to reconsider their own values.
Boomers especially, may find themselves asking whether their extensive sacrifices have brought about lasting happiness and other benefits that they had hoped for Collinson and Collinson Already some Boomers may have had this realization and might have taken cues from Millennials about how to create balance between their personal and work lives; more Boomers may follow.
In addition, communication performance dissertation, although recent economic turbulence and widespread job layoffs may cause some workers to put in extra hours to demonstrate their worth, popular literature suggests other long-time dedicated workers may question the wisdom of devoting 10—12 h a day for up to 50 years of their lives to organizations that may not offer the security long promised Sennet Some organizations are finding human resource advantages to relaxing normative expectations concerning working over-time, communication performance dissertation.
The firm changed its formal policies, as well as the way that overtime work was valued in unofficial organizational discourse. While those studies gathered data only from college students, and levels of confidence may change considerably once students enter the workplace, other research also supports the conclusion that Millennials are unusually and extraordinarily confident of their abilities George ; Greenfield Greenfield proposes that this confidence has been buoyed by an educational system with inflated grades and standardized tests, in which many Millennials are expert in performing well.
The idea of paying their dues by working hard to demonstrate their worth before they are given significant tasks is likely to be resisted by Millennials, critics in communication performance dissertation popular literature contend Marston ; Martin Millennials may surprise their Boomer and Gen X managers when, according to Gallup polls, they seek key roles in significant projects soon after their organizational entry and very early in the membership negotiation process Ott et al, communication performance dissertation.
Popular literature and empirical research indicate that three Millennial preferences are likely to be especially significant for workplace interaction and the communication performance dissertation of work relationships.
First, Millennials expect close relationships and frequent feedback from supervisors Society for Human Resource Management [SHRM] Second, communication performance dissertation, they expect open communication from their supervisors and managers, even about matters normally reserved for more senior employees Gursoy et al.
Third, Millennials prefer to work in teams, communication performance dissertation, in part because they perceive group-based work to be more fun, but also because they like to avoid communication performance dissertation Alsop ; Gursoy et al.
Empirical studies have found that Millennials, not unlike employees of previous generations, view strong relationships with supervisors to be foundational for negotiating their roles initially, as well as for their long-term satisfaction in the organization Jokisaari and Nurmi ; Martin What is different is that according to popular literature and empirical research, Millennials expect communication with supervisors to be more frequent, more positive, and more affirming than has been the case with employees of prior generations Deloitte ; Gursoy et al.
Popular literature and academic sources have argued that this need for affirmation derives from the constant flow of supportive messages Millennials have received from parents, communication performance dissertation, teachers, and coaches throughout their childhood Alsop ; Hill A second important communication issue for Millennials entering the workplace is their desire for open communication, and lots of it—again, communication performance dissertation, more so than newcomers communication performance dissertation previous generational cohorts, according to some empirical studies Gursoy et al.
Expectations of this sort may be associated with Millennials also not being intimidated by individuals who are more senior, either in age or in status.
Popular literature suggests that as children, they were encouraged to communication performance dissertation parents and friends of their parents Howe and Strauss As teens, they became comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions to adults, expecting credibility despite their young age and lack of experiences Tapscott They also have been encouraged by communication performance dissertation parents to challenge authority, and to assert themselves, asking for preferential treatment when they believe they can get it Howe and Strauss What Millennials may not fully understand is that increased communication and knowledge is associated with increased responsibility.
Future research should examine whether Millennials learn through interaction with others that they may not be ready for that level of responsibility Pacanowsky Do they learn to moderate their expectations and communicative requests? Another possible outcome that research should examine is whether organizations change their communication policies as a result of Millennial expectations. In some cases, workers could become privy to strategic and other information that could make them more informed, more competent, and thus better partners with their organizations.
Management may find that investing Millennials with more responsibility concerning broader issues fosters feelings of involvement, communication performance dissertation, which is a necessary component for organizational attachment Myers and Oetzel More involvement also may help keep Millennials from feeling bored by their work, a primary reason for their premature turnover, according to popular literature Alsop Increased organizational openness also might provide additional and important opportunities for frank communication and problem solving between Millennial workers and their supervisors.
Some empirical research indicates that Millennials do not develop organizational commitment as more senior workers have Pasieka ; Patalano Instead, some popular literature claims that, more than other generations, Millennials develop commitment to individuals, especially supervisors with whom they develop meaningful relationships Marston Communication performance dissertation studies and polls have found that Millennials are impatient about becoming recognized as valuable contributors Gursoy et al.
Millennials, much like Generation X employees, have a much shorter time horizon than Boomers who typically occupy positions of organizational power. Popular literature claims that more so than in previous generations, they multitask, and view time as a valuable resource that should not be squandered Deloitte Based on frequent praise from their parents and teachers, they have come to expect evaluation of their work to be based on the outcomes they produce, not based on the age, experience, communication performance dissertation, or tenure of the person who produced them Alsop ; Hill However, more senior workers may not share this perspective, which can spark conflict and distrust.
Did they demonstrate a willingness to listen and display deference to their seniors? In general, as organizational members interact over time and across a variety of circumstances, they develop deeper work relationships and, communication performance dissertation, typically, an ability and willingness to trust communication performance dissertation other Haas Over time, Generation X and Boomer workers will likely come to value the contributions that Millennials can make Smola and Sutton Related, as Millennials themselves are promoted and are given communication performance dissertation responsibility, they too may come to understand communication performance dissertation importance of developing confidence in workers prior to delegating significant tasks and responsibilities.
Thus, through ongoing interactions, Millennials may begin to realize the value of time for forging trust among coworkers and, concomitantly, may develop a shared sense of temporality unique to their team and organization Ballard and Seiboldwith coworkers from other generational cohorts.
A third communication-related consideration for workplace interactions with Millennials is their comfort and ease in working in teams. Semiautonomous and self-managed work teams have become commonplace in organizations because they enhance innovation, increase productivity, and they often lower personnel costs Lawler ; Lawler et al. Millennials report that working and interacting with other members of a team makes work more pleasurable Alsopin part, a consequence of group-based learning and project groups throughout their years in school, communication performance dissertation, and perhaps in part because more than previous generations, Millennials often socialize in groups as well Howe and Strauss Millennial workers are likely to be actively involved, fully committed, and contribute their best efforts to the organization when their work is performed in a collaborative workgroup or team, communication performance dissertation.
Organizations have noted a downside to teams, however, and for several reasons they are beginning to encourage Millennials to accomplish communication performance dissertation of their work outside workgroup boundaries Alsop First, as Alsop describes, Millennials find excessive comfort in team-based direction, oversight, and decision making.
If they can work as members of a team, communication performance dissertation, they can avoid the risk associated with independent thinking and decisions. While it is true some types of decision making can be improved in group contexts Shawa group-reliant mentality does not foster individual decision-making confidence, nor does it enable individuals to demonstrate their own creativity and ability.
Another problem is that teamwork and group meetings take time. In fact, Millennials themselves may not yet realize that part of the effectiveness of self-managed teamwork, and what may be the dark side of teamwork Seibold et al.
Concertive control emerges when team members collectively communication performance dissertation their own control system Barker Group members come to believe that they are empowered to gain compliance from other members, causing workers to conform to mutually agreed upon norms Barker Future investigations could examine how Millennials respond to this type of group-based control when the team is composed of heterogeneous members with regard to age, seniority, and influence.
Popular literature suggests that Millennials are rule followers Howe and Strauss If this claim holds, they are more susceptible communication performance dissertation this type of pressure. However, Millennials also are described as self-assured and individualistic Pew Research Center ; Twenge and thus perhaps less prone to, even more verbally resistant to, these communicative forms of control in their workgroups.
Management will need to assess how these characteristics translate into workgroup conformity and performance. Future studies may find that over time Millennials no longer require the comfort of the group setting and distributed decision-making, choosing instead to work more independently.
Millennials are the first generation to have been born into households with computers and to have grown up surrounded by digital media Communication performance dissertation et al. Popular press and literature indicate that they are more comfortable with new interactive and networked media than are older generations Deloitte ; Gorman et al.
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