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Madeleine Albright - Wikipedia
Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright [2] born Marie Jana Korbelová ; May 15, [3] [4] is cornelia witt dissertation American politician and diplomat who served as the first female United States Secretary of State from to under President Bill Clinton.
Albright immigrated with her family to the United States in from Czechoslovakia. Her father, diplomat Josef Korbelsettled the family in DenverColoradoand she became a U. citizen in She served in that position untilwhen President Jimmy Carter left office.
After leaving the National Security Council, Albright joined the academic faculty of Georgetown University and advised Democratic candidates regarding foreign policy. After Clinton's victory in the presidential election, Albright helped assemble his National Security Council.
InClinton appointed her to the position of U. Ambassador to the United Nations. She held that position untilcornelia witt dissertation, when she succeeded Warren Christopher as Secretary of State. Albright served in that capacity until Clinton left office in Albright has served as chair of the Albright Stonebridge Group since She is the Michael and Virginia Mortara Endowed Distinguished Professor in the Practice of Diplomacy at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.
President Barack Obama. Albright was born Marie Jana Korbelová in in the Smíchov district of PragueCzechoslovakia. Her father was a supporter of the early Czech democrats, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and Edvard Beneš. When Marie Jana was born, her father was serving as a press-attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade. The signing of the Munich Agreement in Septemberand the German occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler 's troops forced the family into exile because of their links with Beneš.
InJosef and Anna converted from Judaism to Catholicism. The family moved to Britain in May Here her father worked for Beneš's Czechoslovak government-in-exile. Her family first lived on Kensington Park Road in Notting HillLondon — where they endured the worst of the Blitz — but later moved to Beaconsfieldthen Walton-on-Thameson the outskirts of London. After the defeat of the Nazis in the European Theatre of World War II and the collapse of Nazi Germany and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moraviathe Korbel family returned to Prague, cornelia witt dissertation.
This benefit generated controversy for the family, as the flat had belonged to an ethnic German Bohemian industrialist family who were forced out by the Beneš decrees to expel such families from the country. This was part of a multi-nation expulsion of ethnic Germans from eastern Europe after the war. See "Controversies". Korbel was appointed as Czechoslovakian Ambassador to Yugoslaviaand the family moved to Belgrade. She was taught privately by a governess and later sent to the Prealpina Institut pour Jeunes Filles finishing school in Chexbreson Lake Geneva in Switzerland.
As an opponent of communism, Korbel was forced to resign from his position. He sent his family to the United States, by way of Londonto wait for him when he arrived to deliver his report to the U.
Headquartersthen located in Lake Success, New York. Korbel's family emigrated from the United Kingdom on the SS Americadeparting Southampton on November 5,and arriving at Ellis Island in New York Harbor on November 11, With the help of Philip Moseley, a professor of Russian at Columbia University in New York CityKorbel obtained a position on the staff of the political science department cornelia witt dissertation the University of Denver in Colorado.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. In the school was named as the Josef Korbel School of International Studies in his honor. Madeline Korbel spent her teen years in Denverand in graduated from the Kent Denver School in Cherry Hills Villagea suburb of Denver. She founded the school's international relations club and was its first president. citizen inand joined the College Democrats of America.
While home in Denver from Wellesley, Korbel worked as an intern for The Denver Post. There she met Joseph Medill Patterson Albright. He was the nephew of Alicia Pattersonowner of Newsday and wife of philanthropist Harry Frank Guggenheim. They lived first in RollaMissouri cornelia witt dissertation, while her husband completed his military service at nearby Fort Leonard Wood.
During this time, Albright worked at The Rolla Daily News. In Januarythe couple moved to her husband's hometown of ChicagoIllinois. Joseph worked at the Chicago Sun-Times as a journalist, and Albright worked as a picture editor for Encyclopædia Britannica. The twins were born six weeks premature and required a long hospital stay.
As a distraction, Albright began Russian classes at Hofstra University in the Village of Hempstead nearby. Inthe family moved to Washington, DC, where they lived in Georgetown. Albright studied international relations and continued in Russian at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studiesa division of Johns Hopkins University in the capital. Incornelia witt dissertation, Joseph's aunt Alicia Patterson died, and the Albrights returned to Long Island with the notion of Joseph taking over the family newspaper business.
She continued her studies at Columbia University 's Department of Public Law and Government. She earned a certificate in Russian, an M.
and a Ph. National Security Council, cornelia witt dissertation. Albright returned to Washington, D. Senator Ed Muskie of Maine. presidential election of Jimmy Cartercornelia witt dissertation, Albright's former professor Brzezinski was named National Security Advisorand recruited Albright from Muskie in to work in the West Wing as the National Security Council's congressional liaison.
Albright joined the academic staff at Georgetown University in Cornelia witt dissertation, D. Ambassador to the United Nationscornelia witt dissertation, her first diplomatic posting. Albright was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations shortly after Clinton was inaugurated, cornelia witt dissertation, presenting her credentials on February 9, During her tenure at the U.
Secretary-GeneralBoutros Boutros-Ghaliwhom she criticized as "disengaged" and "neglect[ful]" of genocide in Rwanda. In Shake Hands with the DevilRoméo Dallaire writes that inin Albright's role as the U. Permanent Representative to the U. Assistance Mission cornelia witt dissertation Rwanda but was later given more flexibility. You know, in retrospect, it all looks very clear. Cornelia witt dissertation when you were [there] at the time, it was unclear about what was happening in Rwanda.
Also inafter Cuban military pilots shot down two small civilian aircraft flown by the Cuban-American exile group Brothers to the Rescue over international waters, she announced, "This is not cojones. This is cowardice. InAlbright entered into a secret pact with Richard ClarkeMichael Sheehanand James Rubin to overthrow U. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghaliwho was running unopposed for cornelia witt dissertation second term in the selection. After 15 U. peacekeepers died in a failed raid in Somalia inBoutros-Ghali became a political scapegoat in the United States.
After four deadlocked meetings of cornelia witt dissertation Security Council, Boutros-Ghali suspended his candidacy and became the only U, cornelia witt dissertation. Secretary-General ever to be denied cornelia witt dissertation second term. The United States then fought a four-round veto duel with France, forcing it to cornelia witt dissertation down and accept Kofi Annan as the next Secretary-General.
In his memoirs, Clarke said that "the entire operation had strengthened Albright's hand in the competition to be Secretary of State in the second Clinton administration". The top level of the Clinton administration was divided into two camps on selecting the new foreign policy.
Outgoing Chief of Staff Leon Panetta favored Albright, but a separate faction argued, "anybody but Albright", with Sam Nunn as its first choice. Albright orchestrated a campaign on her own behalf that proved successful, cornelia witt dissertation. Secretary of State on January 23,she became the first female U.
Secretary of State and the highest-ranking woman in the history of the U. government at the time of her appointment. Presidential successor and was excluded from nuclear contingency plans. During her tenure, Albright considerably influenced American foreign policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Middle East.
According to Albright's memoirs, she once argued with Colin Powell for the use of military force by asking, "What's the point of you saving this superb military for, Colin, if we can't use it? As Secretary of State, she represented the U. at the transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong on July 1, She along with the British contingents boycotted the swearing-in ceremony of the Chinese-appointed Hong Kong Legislative Councilwhich replaced the elected one.
According to several accounts, Prudence BushnellU. Ambassador to Kenyarepeatedly asked Washington for additional security at the embassy in Nairobi, including a letter directly addressed to Albright in April Bushnell was ignored. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed in August Inat the NATO summit, Albright articulated what became known as the "three Ds" of NATO, "which is no diminution of NATO, no discrimination and no duplication — because I think that we don't need any of those three "Ds" to happen".
In Februarycornelia witt dissertation, Albright partook in a town-hall style meeting at St. John Arena in Columbus where she, William Cohencornelia witt dissertation Sandy Berger attempted to make cornelia witt dissertation case for military action in Iraq.
The crowd was disruptive, repeatedly drowning out the discussion with boos and anti-war chants. James Rubin downplayed the disruptions, claiming the crowd was supportive of a war policy.
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