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A National Study on the Relationship Between Programmatic Factors and Athletic Training Education Board of Certification Pass Rates. Leslie Rippondoctoral dissertation research experience, Seton Hall University Follow.
Student outcomes, Student Success, Clinical Immersive Experiences, Faculty Development, Faculty Composition. Therefore, it is essential to identify modifiable factors that doctoral dissertation research experience a relationship with first-time pass rates. This study's aim was to investigate the relationships between programmatic factors and the first-time BOC pass rate for PM AT students while controlling for student and institutional factors.
This study is necessary to fill the literature gap on PM programmatic factors, student outcomes, and identify factors that have been found significant doctoral dissertation research experience predicting student success in PM AT programs.
A multiple regression analysis of program-level data that captures student, programmatic and institutional factors obtained from the deidentified CAATE data was conducted on 77 PM AT programs. Independent variables included in the study were institutional type, admissions selectivity, cohort diversity, clinical immersion hours per week, students per core faculty member, students per lab faculty member, percent doctoral faculty, doctoral dissertation research experience, and total spending on professional development.
The dependent variable was the programmatic 1-year first-time BOC pass rate. A significant positive relationship was found between admissions selectivity, clinical immersion hours per week, percentage of doctoral faculty and total amount spent on professional development, and 1-year first-time BOC program pass rates.
These results suggest that increased programmatic investments into the development of faculty and the evaluation of the clinical immersive experience may help programs increase their first-time BOC pass rate. Rippon, Leslie, "A Doctoral dissertation research experience Study on the Relationship Between Programmatic Factors and Athletic Training Doctoral dissertation research experience Board of Certification Pass Rates" Seton Hall University Dissertations and Theses ETDs.
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Skip to main content. Contact Us My Account FAQ About Home. Title A National Study on the Relationship Between Programmatic Factors and Athletic Training Education Board of Certification Pass Rates. Author Leslie RipponSeton Hall University Follow.
Degree Name PhD Higher Education Leadership, Management, Policy, doctoral dissertation research experience. Department Education Leadership, Management and Policy. Keywords Student outcomes, Student Success, Clinical Immersive Experiences, Faculty Development, Faculty Composition. Recommended Citation Rippon, Leslie, "A National Study on the Relationship Between Programmatic Factors and Athletic Training Education Board of Certification Pass Rates" DOWNLOADS Since July 21, Included in Education CommonsOther Rehabilitation and Therapy CommonsSports Sciences Commons.
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The purpose of this research is to use transcendental phenomenology to explore the lived experiences and events of executives, and how improvisation is experienced when decisions are made in states of complexity within a consulting firm. The central research topic of this doctoral study focuses on executives in moments of complexity Our academic essay Doctoral Dissertation Research Experience writers are experts at original compositions, creative writing, and literary analysis. + team of professional academic writers is at your service 24/7 to take care of your essay and thesis writing problems/10() A PhD degree, also known as an academic doctoral degree, can be pursued by college graduates who don’t yet have relevant work experience or by working professionals who are interested in using their advanced research skills and dissertation to add to the existing body of knowledge in their field
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