Feb 02, · Hi I wrote my masters thesis and it got A grade. I wrote 20, words on my own but I took help for the coding portion. Ideas were mine but he helped me putting them into action - discussing solutiouns, helped in debugging, helped in finding code from internet blogger.com I plagirised in any form? Network coding is a new eld of research that addresses problems of transmit-ting data through networks. Multicast problems are an important class of network coding problems where there is a single sender and all data must be transmitted to a set of receivers. In this thesis, we present a new deterministic algorithm to con- A bid is a fee writers offer to clients for each particular Network Coding Master Thesis order. Experts leave their bids under Network Coding Master Thesis the posted order, waiting for a client to settle on which writer, among those who left their bids, they want to choose. The bidding system is developed based on what is used in auctions, where a bid is the price participants offer for a good/10()
edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Log In with Facebook Log In with Google Sign Up with Apple. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Investigation of error performance in network coded MIMO-VBLAST wireless communication systems Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Manas Kumar Haldar. Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. Investigation of error performance in network coded MIMO-VBLAST wireless communication systems. The VBLAST algo- rithm uses zero-forcing ZF and the minimum mean square error MMSE to evaluate the BER of wireless communication.
MIMO VBLAST techniques function as an adaptive filter and can minimize the interference and multipath fading in the received signal of the channel. Physical layer network coding PNC is a new technique used to exploit the spatial diversity of the MIMO VBLAST system to improve the throughput and performance of wireless communication.
The bit-error-rate BER of proposed VBLAST MIMO with PNC with binary phase-shift keying BPSK and quadrature phase-shift keying QPSK modulation over the additive white Gaussian noise and Rayleigh fading channel are analyzed, network coding master thesis. The performance of both Network coding master thesis and QPSK modulation in two and four antennas are compared. From the simulation results, it was found that the proposed scheme MIMO VBLAST PNC has a K e y w o r d s: multiple input multiple output, vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time, zero forcing, minimum mean square error, physical layer network coding 1 Introduction spectrum can be optimized in MIMO system.
Thus, network coding master thesis, the higher amount of data can be transmitted with few errors. The development of wireless network and the high de- In these terms, the number of transmit antenna must mand from users in wireless communication in previous be equal to or greater than the number of receiver an- years presents a challenge in the communication industry tenna. Thus, this paper discussed the techniques used to especially in improving the performance of the network.
increase the data reliability in wireless communication However, wireless communication still has challenges network coding master thesis by enhancing the throughput in wireless communication problems in achieving a better network to provide bet- using various detection techniques of MIMO VBLAST, ter performance in term of quality and quantity [1].
The cooperative communication and physical layer network coding. current performance of wireless communication still has a gap in achieving the vision of the communication in- These various detection techniques are adopted into a channel of wireless communication to achieve a low BER dustry. performance hence improving the overall performance of The transmitted signal will face the danger of fading wireless communication.
effect such as interference and noise by passing through the fading channels. This makes the signal distorted and Multiple input multiple output MIMO the receiver will not be able to retrieve the original signal. MIMO is a system which applies many antennas for Multiple input multiple output MIMO system is a input and output for the signal transmission. By us- system which applies multiple antenna at the input and ing MIMO technology, we can introduce spatial diversity output, network coding master thesis.
Network coding master thesis is very famous because it can enhance the which can overcome the degradation of multipath propa- data rate and reduce the effect of fading channels [2]. To transmit the data, Network coding master thesis applies multiple antennas MIMO exploits network coding master thesis multipath effect of propagation at transmitter and receiver.
To achieve better network signal to achieve better throughput. With the ability to throughput, multiple antennas are applied. Network coding master thesis improve the performance reliability of wireless network MIMO system is said to be efficient compared with single system, MIMO is also known as a smart antenna. input single output SISO of the traditional scheme, with MIMO is utilized in helping to mitigate the fading because of its higher spectral efficiency.
The usage of channel and interference [3]. org, drherowisewah gmail. com, lillian. eda93 gmail. com, mhaldar ums. ir DOI: Multiple input multiple output channel model be enhanced by using the spatial multiplexing in MIMO cussed in this paper; namely zero-forcing ZF and mini- system.
Figure 1 shows a model of a MIMO channel. mum mean square error MMSE. ZF and MMSE are a type of equalizer that is used to Vertical Bell laboratories layered space-time mitigate the inter-symbol interference ISI effect of the VBLAST multipath fading channel.
The equalizer is usually placed Zhang et al proved that by applying VBLAST code, at the baseband of the receiver. Both ZF and MMSE are the property of multiplexing can be fully used. In coherent adaptive filters used to filter out the noise of the surround- MIMO optical wireless communication OWC systems, ing to achieve optimal filtering, network coding master thesis.
The adaptive filter will the higher data rate can be achieved [4], network coding master thesis. The research, cancel out the noise which is overlapping with the signal based on the channel capacity of coherent MIMO OWC at the same frequency region.
ZF reduced the ISI of the channels showed that the gain of multiplexing could be system to zero under the noise-free condition while the used in MIMO OWC systems [5]. In MIMO system, there MMSE reduced the value of mean square error and did is not only VBLAST but also diagonal Bell laboratories not completely cancel out the ISI effect but diminished layered space-time D-BLAST system.
But, DBLAST is the effect of the noise and ISI at network coding master thesis receiver [8]. a complicated system compared with VBLAST system. Based on the analysis done in [9], it is shown that the Thus, DBLAST is not used commonly and VBLAST is detection techniques of ZF and MMSE combined with the preferable because of its simplicity and availability in successive interference cancellation SIC improved the obtaining the highest rate of data compared to DBLAST.
performance of MIMO. By comparing MMSE with ZF, VBLAST is utilized in a MIMO system to improve MMSE has better BER performance compared to ZF. the performance of wireless communication. VBLAST is Both performance of ZF and MMSE in MIMO channel a technique used to produce a better spectral efficiency increase as the number of antennas for transmitter and without the need for optimizing the bandwidth of the receiver increases.
system [6]. Physical layer network coding PNC In VBLAST system, network coding master thesis, the data from the users are di- vided into so many parallel data streams. The rate of Cooperative communication refers to a system in data transmission is directly proportional to the number which the transmitted signal will transmit to a node and of antennas which applied in the system. The data rate then send to the destination.
Cooperative communica- of the system can be improved by applying the scattered tion is used as exploitation for spatial diversity in wire- wireless channel in VBLAST system. The strongest signal less communication. Cooperative communication usu- with high signal-to-noise ratio SNR can be estimated in ally combined with MIMO system to produce a better the VBLAST system. By using nulling process in the net- throughput performance.
In this paper, the method of work, the signal can be applied for estimation which can amplifying and forward AF will be discussed. In the diminish the effect of error rate and signal interference in relay of the system, the signal contained interference and the system.
noise will be transmitted from the source. There are few layers of the parallel stream in the trans- From this relay node, the signal will be amplified and mitter scheme of VBLAST. These layers allow for spatial then sent to another node for the combination of the in- diversity and spectral efficiency enhancement. In process- formation sent by the transmitter. By using the relay, ing the signal, the strongest signal will be detected and multiple signal can be sent, network coding master thesis, and a better throughput can eliminated due to the interference.
Next, this technique be made although the amplified signal in the node con- will continue to process the signal until it detects the tained noise and interference.
The AF method of cooper- weakest signal, network coding master thesis. ative communication can reduce the bit error rate of the However, VBLAST technique has few disadvantages transmitted signal.
toward the system. In order to deal with the nulling pro- In the research paper done in [10], the research is cess of interference, the number of receive antennas must based on a simple cooperative communication to evaluate be the same as or greater than the number of transmit the performance of the AF method in a MIMO system. antenna [7]. Block diagram of different time slots for transmission scheme. cooperative communication has better BER than the tra- MIMO VBLAST and MIMO VBLAST PNC are proposed ditional scheme of MIMO VBLAST.
Thus, it can be con- and compared. The system is assumed to have Rayleigh cluded that using a relay node in the MIMO can reduce fading channel and the results are evaluated through BER multiple signals at a node without the use of multiple performance, network coding master thesis.
The results showed the combined system antennas. with PNC have better performance than a system with- PNC is applied onto two-way relay channel TWRC, network coding master thesis. out PNC. Sorted VBLAST PNC outperformed VBLAST The exploitation of interference and noise are used as an PNC and linear ZF PNC.
Hence, through this simulation opportunity in boosting the system throughput [11]. PNC it is proved that PNC has a greater advantage on wireless used TWRC as the node in transferring the signal. In a none-coded network scheme, four slots are required in communication [15]. transmitting the signal.
PNC used fewer time slots, which Monte Carlo simulations for the MIMO PNC are ex- are two slots. The reduction in each of the time slot for plored to compare the analytical result from the re- transmitting is a great advantage for PNC as it can help search paper of MIMO physical layer network coding with in improving the throughput of the system as well as the VBLAST Detection.
In the research, Monte Carlo is suit- system capacity. able to be used in the second physical layer as the results In the simulation to investigate MIMO PNC based on show that BER results meet the requirement of network coding master thesis for VBLAST detection, it is stated that the TWRC can help Monte Carlo simulation.
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