The U.S. dollar payment and settlement system is composed of payment instruments and methods, systems, and institutions that have changed from a paper-based to a virtually all-electronic system. The Board drafted this law, collaborating with ment system research and It is based on this that this research paper looks at the available past literature on e-payment adoption across the world, with a view to highlight the scope, methodology and Information System We write high quality term papers, sample essays, research papers, dissertations, thesis papers, assignments, book reviews, speeches, book reports, custom web content and business papers. The initial step is always left to the client which is making a decision to entrust your paper with our experts
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Only original contributions to the engineering literature are accepted for publication; work should incorporate substantial information not previously published.
If a submission contains excerpts from other copyrighted material including without limitation any diagrams, photographs, figures or textit is the responsibility of the authors to acquire in writing all necessary rights from third parties to include those materials in a submission. This is part of the Terms and Conditions of the Copyright Transfer Agreement required form each author prior to publication of an accepted submission.
Resources The Office of Research Integrity has the following guide that may be a useful reference: Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: A Guide to Ethical Writing. Accuracy It is of the research paper electronic payment systems importance that all technical, scientific, and mathematical information contained in the paper be checked with the utmost care. It is Research paper electronic payment systems policy that SI units of measurement be included in all papers.
When U. customary units are given preference, the SI equivalent should be provided in parentheses or in a supplementary table. When preference is given to SI units, the U.
customary units should be provided in parentheses or in a supplementary table. A research paper should not exceed 12, words. Beyond this amount, a mandatory excess-page charge can be assessed, research paper electronic payment systems. These charges are described here: Publication Charges.
The Editor reserves the right to send papers that exceed the length limitation back to the author s for shortening before initiating the review process. The basic elements of a paper or brief are listed below in the order in which they should appear:. Text: 9 or 10 pt. Times Roman medium or equivalent typefacejustified, with single line spacing. It is ASME policy that all those who have participated significantly in the technical aspects of a paper be recognized as co-authors or cited in the acknowledgments.
Author name should consist of first name or initialmiddle initial, and last name. The author affiliation should consist of the following, as applicable, in the order noted:. An abstract words maximum should open the paper or brief. The purpose of the abstract is to give a clear indication of the objective, scope, and results so that readers may determine whether the full text will be of particular interest to them.
The text should be organized into logical parts or sections. The purpose of the paper should be stated at the beginning, followed by a description of the problem, the means of solution, and any other information necessary to properly qualify the results presented and the conclusions, research paper electronic payment systems.
Headings and subheadings should appear throughout the work to divide the subject matter into logical parts and to emphasize the major elements and considerations. Parts or sections may be numbered, if desired, but paragraphs should not be numbered. Equations should be numbered consecutively beginning with 1 to the end of the paper, including any appendices. The number should be enclosed in parentheses and set research paper electronic payment systems right in the column on the same line as the equation.
It is this number that should be research paper electronic payment systems when referring research paper electronic payment systems equations within the text. Equations should be referenced within the text as "Eq.
Formulas and equations should be created to clearly distinguish capital letters from lowercase letters. Care should be taken to avoid confusion between the lowercase "l" el and the numeral one, or between zero and the lowercase "o. In all mathematical expressions and analyses, any symbols and the units in which they are measured not previously defined in nomenclature should be explained.
If the paper is highly mathematical in nature, it may be advisable to develop equations and formulas in appendices rather than in the body of the paper. All figures graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc. should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the figure number and a brief title or description of the figure, research paper electronic payment systems.
This number should be used when referring to the figure in text. Figure references should be included within the text in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Figures should be referenced within the text as "Fig. ASME accepts. tif or. eps file formats for figures. All tables should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the table number and a brief title.
This number should be used when referring to the table in text. Table references should be included within the text in numerical order research paper electronic payment systems to their order of appearance.
Tables should be inserted as part of the text as close as possible to its first reference — with the exception of those tables included at the end of the paper as an appendix. A separate list of table numbers and their respective captions should be included at the end of the paper for production purposes only. Currently, the ASME Journal Tool does not accommodate the submission of video files. Authors can contact the Editor by email if they have video files. If accepted by the Editor for review, ASME will provide information for transferring the files by FTP.
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Acknowledgments may be made to individuals or institutions not mentioned elsewhere in the work who have made an important contribution. Nomenclature should follow customary usage. For reference, consult American National Standards Institute ANSI recommendations. The nomenclature list research paper electronic payment systems be in alphabetical order capital letters first, followed by lowercase lettersfollowed by any Greek symbols, with subscripts and superscripts last, research paper electronic payment systems, identified with headings.
Sample Nomenclature PDF. Within the text, references should be cited in numerical order according to their order of appearance. Research paper electronic payment systems numbered reference citation within text should be enclosed in brackets. In the case of two citations, the numbers should be separated by a comma [1,2]. In the case of more than two references, the numbers should be separated by a dash []. Note: ASME primarily uses the Chicago Manual of Style for reference format.
ASME does not allow references to Wikipedia. References should be listed together at the end of the paper; footnotes should not be used for this purpose. References should be arranged in numerical order according to the sequence of citations within the text. Each reference should include the last name of each author followed by initials. In order to improve the accuracy of citation data collection, ASME is standardizing on the following abbreviations for the titles in the ASME Journal Program.
Authors should use these abbreviations for ASME titles in their references:. ASME Membership 1 year has been added to your cart. The price of yearly membership depends on a number of factors, so final research paper electronic payment systems will be calculated during checkout. Section Menu. Journal Submission Types. Writing a Research Paper. Accepted Manuscripts. Papers Presented at a Conference. Guidelines for Non-Technical Submissions. Ethical Standards.
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Permissions If a submission contains excerpts from other copyrighted material including without limitation any diagrams, photographs, figures or textit is the responsibility of the authors to acquire in writing all necessary rights from third parties to include those materials in a submission.
SI Units It is ASME policy that SI units of measurement be included in all papers. Length A research paper should not exceed 12, words. Elements of a Paper The basic elements of a paper or brief are listed below in the order in which they should appear: title author names and affiliations abstract body of paper acknowledgments nomenclature appendices references figures and tables Font Type Text: 9 or 10 pt. Times Roman medium or equivalent typefacejustified, with single line spacing Title The title of the paper should be concise and definitive.
Author Names and Affiliations It is ASME policy that all those who have participated significantly in the technical aspects of a paper be recognized as co-authors or cited in the acknowledgments. The author affiliation should consist of the following, research paper electronic payment systems, as applicable, in the order noted: university or company with department name or company division mailing address city, state, zip code country name other than the U. e-mail university or company email addresses should be used whenever possible Abstract An abstract words maximum should open the paper or brief.
Body The text should be organized into logical parts or sections. Headings Headings and subheadings should appear throughout the work to divide the subject matter into logical parts and to emphasize the major elements and considerations. Equations Equations should research paper electronic payment systems numbered consecutively beginning with 1 to the end of the paper, including any appendices.
Figures All figures graphs, line drawings, photographs, research paper electronic payment systems, etc. TIFF Tag Image File Format is for bitmap images spatially mapped array of bits. EPS Encapsulated Postscript is for vector graphics mathematical expressions of geometrical primitives. Images created in Word can opened in Adobe Acrobat and saved as. eps Figure files greater than 15MB should be checked to see if layers were merged, research paper electronic payment systems.
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Nov 21, · Electronic payment systems dominate businesses on the world wide web. This is a method of payment that allows you to make a payment and purchase a product or pay for a service anywhere around the globe as long as you have an internet connection. However, there are risks with electronic payments If the paper is highly mathematical in nature, it may be advisable to develop equations and formulas in appendices rather than in the body of the paper. Figures All figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc.) should be numbered consecutively and have a caption consisting of the figure number and a brief title or description of the figure The U.S. dollar payment and settlement system is composed of payment instruments and methods, systems, and institutions that have changed from a paper-based to a virtually all-electronic system. The Board drafted this law, collaborating with ment system research and
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