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Gonzolabs » The “Dance Your Ph.D.” Contest
A three-part series looks at the AAAS programs that communicate the power of science and technology though creative approaches: visual artdance and literature, aaas dance your dissertation. A group of graduate students in atmospheric science at the University of Helsinki have taken a bold, aaas dance your dissertation, clever approach to explaining the computational study of atmospheric molecular clusters.
Sincethe aaas dance your dissertation has recognized researchers who show artistic and scientific merit in translating their Ph. thesis into a dance. The award is now sponsored by the artificial intelligence company Primer, where contest founder and former Science correspondent John Bohannon is the director of science. Aaas dance your dissertation the years, the contest has honored dancing scientists whose work covers a broad range of scientific subject areas and dance styles, from explaining policy networks with acrobatics, hip hop and house dancing to highlighting a new approach to prosthetic heart valves with salsa, tap, hula-hooping and the worm.
In addition to the overall winner, winners are awarded in the categories of physics, chemistry, biology and social sciences. This year, the contest also included a category on research on any aspect of COVID and its consequences to health and society.
This category spanned all disciplines and was open to any researcher, aaas dance your dissertation, regardless of their Ph. WHAT WE DO. GET INVOLVED. Submenu toggle Membership Events Support AAAS Fellowships Careers Training Sessions Awards Annual Meeting. Search Search. Quick Links GIVE RESOURCE CENTER PROGRAMS NEWS EVENTS MEMBER LOGIN JOIN.
External Links AAAS Communities SCIENCE CAREERS SCIENCE FAMILY OF JOURNALS More AAAS Sites. You are here Home News. The Dance Your Ph.
recognizes scientists who translate their Ph. research into a dance. Related Programs: Office of Communications. Author Andrea Korte. Related Focus Areas Public Engagement. Related Scientific Disciplines Scientific community.
Neuroscience and Dance, featured at AAAS 2021
, time: 29:58AAAS/Science Magazine Dance Your PhD Thesis Contest -
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