Aug 04, · Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. Scientists use the scientific method to make observations, form ADVERTISEMENTS: After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Definition and Concept of Management Science 2. Historical Development of Management Science 3. Characteristics 4. Tools. Definition and Concept of Management Science: Management Science (MS) can be defined as: “A problem-solving process used by an interdisciplinary team to develop mathematical models that Logos Definition. Derived from a Greek word, Logos means “logic.” Logos is a literary device that can be described as a statement, sentence, or argument used to convince or persuade the targeted audience by employing reason or logic. In everyday life, arguments depend upon pathos and ethos besides logos. Let’s take a look at logos examples in literature and debates
Science & the Scientific Method: A Definition | Live Science
In academic publishinga scientific journal is a periodical publication intended to further the progress of scienceusually by reporting new research. Articles in scientific journals are mostly written by active scientists such as students, researchers and professors instead of professional journalists.
There are thousands of scientific journals in publication, and many more have been published scientific essay definition various points in the past see list of scientific journals. Most journals are highly specialized, although some of the oldest journals such as Nature publish articles and scientific papers across a wide range of scientific fields. Scientific journals contain articles that have been peer reviewedin an attempt to scientific essay definition that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific scientific essay definition. Although scientific journals are superficially similar to professional magazinesthey are actually quite different.
Issues of a scientific journal are rarely read casually, as one would read a magazine. The publication of the results of research is an essential part of the scientific method. If they are describing experiments or calculations, they must supply enough details that an independent researcher could repeat the experiment or calculation to verify the results. Each such journal article becomes part of the permanent scientific record.
Articles in scientific journals can be used in research and higher education. Scientific articles allow researchers to keep up to date with the developments of their field and direct their own research. An essential part of a scientific article is citation of earlier work. The impact of articles and journals is often assessed by counting citations citation impact.
Some classes are partially devoted to the explication of classic articles, and seminar classes can consist of the presentation by each student of a classic or current paper. Schoolbooks and textbooks have been written usually only on established topics, while the latest research and more obscure topics are only accessible through scientific articles.
In a scientific research group or academic department it is usual scientific essay definition the content of current scientific journals to scientific essay definition discussed in journal clubs. Public funding bodies often require the results to be published in scientific journals. Academic credentials for promotion into academic ranks are established in large part by the number and impact of scientific articles published.
Many doctoral programs allow for thesis by publicationwhere the candidate is required to publish a certain number of scientific articles. Articles tend to be highly technical, representing the latest theoretical research and experimental results in the field of science covered by the journal.
They are often incomprehensible to anyone except for researchers in the field and advanced students. In some subjects this is inevitable given scientific essay definition nature of the content.
Usually, rigorous rules of scientific writing are enforced by the editors; however, these rules may vary from journal to journal, especially between journals from different publishers. Articles are usually either original articles reporting completely new results or reviews of current literature, scientific essay definition. There are also scientific publications that bridge the gap between articles and books by publishing thematic volumes of chapters from scientific essay definition authors.
Many journals have a regional focus, specializing in publishing papers from a particular geographic region, like African Invertebrates. The history of scientific journals dates fromwhen the French Journal des sçavans and the English Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society first began systematically publishing research results.
Over a thousand, mostly ephemeralwere founded in the 18th century, and the number has increased rapidly after that. Prior to midth century, peer review was not always necessary, scientific essay definition, but gradually it became essentially compulsory. The authors of scientific articles are active researchers instead of journalists; typically, a graduate student or a researcher writes a paper with a professor, scientific essay definition.
As such, the authors are unpaid and receive no compensation from the journal. However, their funding bodies may require them to publish in scientific journals.
The paper is submitted to the journal office, where the editor considers the paper for appropriateness, potential scientific impact and novelty. If the journal's editor considers the paper appropriate, the paper is submitted to scholarly peer review. Depending on the field, journal and paper, the paper is sent to 1—3 reviewers for evaluation before they can be granted permission to publish.
Reviewers are expected to check the paper for soundness of its scientific argument, including whether the author s are sufficiently acquainted with recent relevant research that bears on their study, whether the data was collected or considered appropriately, ethically, and reproducibly, and whether the data discussed supports the conclusion offered and the implications suggested.
Novelty is also key: existing work must be appropriately considered and referenced, scientific essay definition, and new results improving on the state of the art presented. Reviewers are usually unpaid and not a part of the journal staff—instead, they should be "peers", i. researchers in the same field as the paper in scientific essay definition. The standards that a journal uses to determine publication can vary widely. Some journals, scientific essay definition, such as NatureSciencePNASand Physical Review Lettershave a reputation of publishing articles that mark a fundamental breakthrough in their respective fields.
In some countries, journal rankings can be utilized for funding decisions [2] and even evaluation of individual researchers, although they are poorly suited for that purpose. For scientific journals, reproducibility and replicability of the scientific results are core concepts that allow other scientists to check and reproduce the results under the same conditions described in the paper or at least similar conditions and produce similar results with similar measurements of the same measurand or carried out under changed conditions of measurement.
There are several types of journal articles; the exact terminology and definitions vary by field and specific journal, scientific essay definition, but often include:. The formats of journal articles vary, but many follow the general IMRAD scheme recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Such articles begin with an abstractwhich is a one-to-four-paragraph summary of the paper. The introduction describes the background for the research including a discussion of similar research, scientific essay definition. The materials and methods or experimental section provides specific details of how the research was conducted. The results and discussion section describes the outcome and implications of the research, and the conclusion section places the research in context and describes avenues for further exploration.
In addition to the above, scientific essay definition, some scientific journals such as Science will include a news section where scientific developments often involving political issues are described.
These articles are often written by science journalists and not by scientists. In addition, some journals will include an editorial section and a section for letters to the editor. While these are articles published within a journal, in general they are not regarded as scientific journal articles because they have not been peer-reviewed. Electronic publishing is a new area of information dissemination.
One definition of electronic publishing is in the context of the scientific journal. It is the presentation of scholarly scientific results in only an electronic non-paper form. This is from its first write-up, scientific essay definition, or creation, to its publication or dissemination. The electronic scientific journal is specifically designed to be presented on the internet.
It is defined as not being previously printed material adapted, or retooled, and then delivered electronically. Electronic publishing will likely continue to exist alongside paper publishing for the foreseeable future, since whilst output to a screen is important for browsing and searching, it is not well suited for extensive reading. Formats suitable both for reading on paper, and for manipulation by the reader's computer will need to be integrated.
New tools such as JATS and Utopia Documents provide a 'bridge' to the 'web-versions' in that they connect the content in PDF versions directly to the World Wide Web via hyperlinks that are created 'on-the-fly'. The PDF version of an article is usually seen as the version of recordbut the matter is subject to some debate. Electronic counterparts of established print journals already promote and deliver rapid dissemination of peer-reviewed and edited, "published" articles. Other journals, scientific essay definition, whether spin-offs of established print journals, scientific essay definition, or created as electronic only, have come into existence promoting the rapid dissemination capability, and availability, on the Internet.
In tandem with this is scientific essay definition speeding scientific essay definition of peer review, scientific essay definition, copyediting, page makeup, and other steps in the process to support rapid dissemination. Other improvements, benefits and unique values of electronically publishing the scientific journal are easy availability of supplementary materials data, graphics and videolower cost, and availability to more people, especially scientists from non-developed countries.
Hence, research results from more developed nations are becoming more accessible to scientists from non-developed countries. Moreover, electronic publishing of scientific journals has been accomplished without compromising the standards of the refereed, peer review process.
One form is the online equivalent of the conventional paper journal. Byalmost all scientific journals have, while retaining their peer-review process, established electronic versions; a number have moved entirely to electronic publication. In a similar manner, most academic libraries buy the electronic version and purchase a paper copy only for the most important or most-used titles.
There is usually a delay of several months after an article is written before it is published in a journal, making paper journals not an ideal format for announcing the latest research.
Many journals now publish the final papers in their electronic version as soon as they are ready, without waiting for the assembly of a complete issue, as is necessary with paper. In many fields in which even greater speed is wanted, such as physicsthe role of the journal at disseminating the latest research has largely been replaced by preprint databases such as arXiv. Almost all such articles are eventually published in traditional journals, which still provide an important role in quality controlarchiving scientific essay definition, and establishing scientific credit.
Many scientists and librarians have long protested the cost of journals, especially as they see these payments going to large for-profit publishing houses. These may be quite expensive, sometimes much more than the cost for a print subscription, although this may reflect the number of people who will be using the license—while a print subscription is the cost for one person to receive the journal; a site-license can allow thousands of people to gain access. Publications by scientific essay definition societiesalso known as not-for-profit-publishers, scientific essay definition, usually cost less than commercial publishers, but the prices of their scientific journals are still usually several thousand dollars a year.
In general, this money is used to fund the activities of the scientific societies that run such journals, or is invested in providing further scholarly resources for scientists; thus, the money remains in and benefits the scientific sphere.
Despite the transition to electronic publishing, the serials crisis persists. Concerns about cost and open access have led to the creation of free-access journals such as the Public Library of Science PLoS family and partly open or reduced-cost journals such as the Journal of High Energy Physics. However, professional editors still have to be paid, and PLoS still relies heavily on donations from foundations to cover the majority scientific essay definition its operating costs; smaller journals scientific essay definition not often have access to such resources.
Based on statistical arguments, it has been shown that electronic publishing online, and to some extent open accessboth provide wider dissemination and increase the average number of citations an article receives. Traditionally, the author of an article was required to transfer the copyright to the journal publisher. Publishers claimed this was necessary in order to protect authors' rights, and to coordinate permissions for reprints or other use.
However, many authors, especially those active in the open access movement, found this unsatisfactory, [13] and have used their influence to effect a gradual move towards a license to publish instead. Scientific essay definition such a system, the publisher has permission to edit, print, and distribute the article commercially, but the authors retain the other rights themselves.
Even if they scientific essay definition the copyright to an article, most journals allow certain rights to their authors.
These rights usually include the ability to reuse parts of the paper in the author's future work, and allow the author to distribute a limited number of copies.
In the print format, such copies are called reprints; in the electronic format, they are called postprints. Some publishers, for example the American Physical Societyalso grant the author the right to post and update the article on the author's or employer's website and on free e-print servers, to grant permission to others to use or reuse figures, and even to reprint the article as long as no fee is charged, scientific essay definition.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Periodical journal publishing scientific research. This article is about scientific academic journals. For a broader class of journals, see Academic journal.
For scientific magazines, see List of science magazines. For the journal named 'Science', see Science journal.
How to Write a Scientific Essay
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